Blog Archives


The Queen comes to the MYnetwork Jubilee Party

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Today’s June meet up was Jubilee themed, Sara from our team even made a cake that one would say was ‘fit for the Queen!’ Visit our Facebook Page ‘ME Consultancy Ltd’ to see photos taken at today’s meet up. 

Once again thank you to all our fantastic MYnetworkers that make these events such a success and of course our MYnetwork partners  ‘The Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce’‘Ramsdens Solicitors’ and ‘The Media Centre’

The next MYnetwork event will be our MYnetwork Wakefield launch event which will take place on Friday 13th July at the Priory Bar in Wakefield from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. 

If you want to find out more about this networking group you can join the Mid Yorkshire Network  Linked In Group or Follow @MidYorkshireNET on Twitter. You can also visit The Media Centre website to see a video footage at May’s meet up produced  by Simon Bishop from Bish Bash Media. 

Mid Yorkshire Network – May

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Thank you to all the members that came along to today’s MYnetwork meet up, there was a great energy in the room thanks to all you enthusiastic networkers. You may have noticed that there were a few photographers at today’s event, we had Anthony from AF Photography Ltd and there was also a photographer recording content for a marketing video for The Media Centre. Visit our Facebook Page to see photos taken at today’s meet up ‘MYnetwork – April’

Our next meet up will be on Wednesday 20th June and we will be holding a Jubilee themed meet up; keep your eyes peeled on the Mid Yorkshire Network Linked In group as this is where the details about this meet up will be revealed. 

This networking group is going from strength to strength it’s attracting new members all the time whilst having fantastic regular mynetworkers who help make the networking group a constant success. In addition to this, the Linked In group now has over 1,000 members who actively participate in online discussions and attend our monthly meet ups and don’t forget you can also follow MYnetwork on Twitter @MidYorkshireNET.  

Mid Yorkshire Network – April

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Here are some photos taken at today’s MYnetwork meet up at Cafe Ollo, The Media Centre 9am-11am. MYnetwork is brought to you by Ramsdens Solicitors LLP, SMileS SMS, Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce & The Media Centre.  

If you want to see more photos taken from today’s event and previous meet ups then please visit our Facebook page ‘ME Consultancy Ltd‘.  

If you want to join the MYnetwork group you can join our Linked In group – or follow us on Twitter @MidYorkshireNet. If you don’t have either then just come along to our next meet up on Wednesday 16th May, it’s a very friendly and informal networking group so why not come join us for a coffee and a chat. 

Mid Yorkshire Network – March

Take a look at some of the photos from this month’s MYnetwork meet up held at Cafe Ollo in The Media Centre.

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MYnetwork is a friendly, informal networking event held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at The Media Centre from 9am-11am. If you want to become a member join the group on Linked In – Mid Yorkshire Network.  

Visit our Facebook Page ‘ME Consultancy Ltd to look at photo’s taken from previous meet ups and if you do happen to visit please ‘Like’ our page to keep up to date with everything going on at SMileS. 

Business Profile: Rebecca Littlewood (Council Tax Valuations)

Rebecca Littlewood - Office Manager and Partner at Council Tax Valuations

Current Job Position?  Office Manager / Partner at Council Tax Valuations
Best thing about your job?  Can I have more than one thing? If I can…Helping people and being successful in challenging their Council Tax Band, there’s such an amazing feeling calling a client to let them know they will be receiving a rebate! Also the challenge of building a new company from scratch, meeting new people, being able to help people and last but now least working with my husband!
Worst thing about your Job? Not being able to help as many people as we want to and not yet having the brand awareness we would like.
Favourite Restaurant in Huddersfield?  Oh there’s so many! Ciao Bella and Nawab…delicious! Great food and great staff, what more can you ask for?
Your best achievement?  To date I would say moving forward and actually opening Council Tax Valuations, being able to have a hand in running a company that is customer focused is amazing.
Interest and Hobbies? I love to travel. I really enjoy experiencing different cultures and seeing how people in other countries live and I’ve actually lived in Canada for a year. I love the French language and France, the wine, cheese and style of living, my goal is to one day retire there! I like cinema, films (I am a closet horror fan!), the theatre (I love musical theatre…and sometimes wish that life were like a musical) going for a good walk and just spending time with my loved ones! I also like to take pictures and collect postcards of interesting buildings/structures, I have found in recent years that I have a real interest in architecture!
What do you value most about being a member of a networking group? The thing I most value is being able to reach out to other members for help in areas I do not yet have a lot of knowledge in and helping members (where I can); with issues they are facing in their business. It’s wonderful to be around and to meet like-minded business people and getting to know them and their businesses. 

Linked In



Rebecca Littlewood 




I came to be a part of starting Council Tax Valuations after my husband Paul and I worked for another re-banding company in Huddersfield alongside our business partner Claire. We did not agree with how the company was operated and the way customers were being treated and decided to set up our own company with the addition of our other business partner Richard.

We wanted our business to look after the customers’ best interest and for Council Tax Valuations to be a company people could turn to for help and advice regarding their Council Tax. We decided not to ask for an upfront fee and that we would only ask to be paid by our clients once their re-banding had been successful and the rebated money had been received directly into their account.

We are currently working with clients all over the country and have just secured a partnership with Martin & Co Letting Agents in Huddersfield to look at all their clients’ properties with a view to expanding to helping all their branches across the UK.

We can help anyone who feels that their Council Tax Band is incorrect, we do an initial evaluation of the property to check if we feel it is incorrectly banded (with no obligation) and take it from there. The full process takes approximately 12 weeks to complete, from us receiving the relevant paperwork to the clients receiving their rebate. We currently have a 100% success rate for our appeal applications being accepted for review and can also boast a 100% success rate on our appeals being successful in re-banding our clients’ properties. For more information regarding Council Tax Valuations, please visit our website;

In my spare time (when I have some these days!) I love to cook and bake, mostly home comfort food but have been told I make a mean chocolate cake! I also like to travel, films & cinema, theatre and spending time with family and friends!

MYNetwork feature in The Huddersfield Examiner

MYNetwork links West Yorkshire businesses

You can also read this article on The Examiner Website.

NETWORKING group based in Huddersfield is combining new technology and tradition to bring businesses together across West Yorkshire.

The Mid Yorkshire Network – which makes use of online communications and old-fashioned face-to-face meetings – began life three years ago under its original name of the Kirklees and Calderdale Business Group.

Following a rebrand last August, the newly-named MYNetwork now has more than 900 members – and continues to grow in numbers.

About half of its members are business people from Huddersfield and Halifax with the rest drawn from surrounding areas.

 The network holds monthly meetings at the Media Centre in Northumberland Street, but also hosts online discussions about business issues with members staying in touch through the LinkedIn site.

First MYnetwork of 2012

Today was the first Mid Yorkshire Network meet up of 2012 at Cafe Ollo, The Media Centre. If you haven’t heard about this networking group before it’s held every 3rd Wednesday of the Month at The Media Centre and encourages business to come along and enjoy some informal and friendly networking. The group first started on Linked In  and the partners of the events are ourselves (ME Consultancy/SMileS), Ramsdens, Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and The Media Centre.

Well this year’s first MYnework started with a bang. The attendence of the event was fantastic not only did we get to catch up with familar faces of the group but we also got to meet lots of new faces; who have either only just learnt aboutthe networking group or have only just got round to attending a meet up. As always it was great to learn about all the new projects and plans members have for the upcoming months, but it was also great to bring a new energy to the group through all the new faces. We always look forward to welcoming new members to the meet ups as it generates more propects within the group and helps develop new business relationships.

We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone that attended the meet up today and if you didn’t get chance to come along today why not try come along to the next meet up which will be held on Wednesday 15th February.

Below are a few photos taken at the meet up today; if you want to see more please head over to Facebook and hit ‘Like’ to see all photos from the album ‘First MYnetwork of 2012’.

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SMileS & MEC at Kirklees Business Conference 2011

Yesterday was the long awaited Kirklees Business Conference. We were proud sponsors of the event and the day was a great success for all involved for generating new contacts and generating potential business leads.

On the day we were exhibiting on stands 24 & 25 and joined forces with Code Blue communications to combine our resources and offer a wider range of products and services for our clients. We also exhibited as SMileS SMS – our online SMS platform. We had a great reception from many delegates at the conference with many wanting to learn more about SMS marketing and many had heard of SMileS before.

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As a sponsor of the event we sent out a reminder text to all members who had registered their mobile number for the event, which was a great start of for introducing what we do when people visited our stand. The conference had a brilliant friendly atmosphere, not only did we see many familiar faces but met lots of potential new contacts. We also got a chance to visit some of the great seminars that were running throughout the day including ‘Nicky Pattinson – Show Business Selling’ and ‘Dean Hoyle – A frank Q&A with Kirklees highest profile entrepreneur ‘. In Dean Hoyle’s seminar he answered questions from the audience. Prior to the seminar Danny Mathuru had asked each person attending the seminar to think of a question they wanted to ask; and from this eleven were selected. Within those questions selected was from Mark Evans, the owner of SMileS & MEC. The question he asked Dean was ‘No matter how nicely you try to treat people around you, some people can shock you at how they behave in return. Did this ever worry you, but more importantly, how did you respond?’ Dean’s answer would make your jaw drop, his biggest rival had spoken to all its suppliers and forced them to stop supplying Dean, meaning he lost 70% of his supplies overnight.  Rather than let this get him down, Dean turned the card industry upside down, he employed a team of designers, printers etc all in house meaning he no longer relied on those previous suppliers.  This made Dean’s business very agile and stripped the inflated costs out too.  Dean came back stronger, cheaper and more profitable.  And the rest is history, well done Dean.

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MYnetwork evening meetup at Huddersfield Food & Drink Festival 2011

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Yesterday was MYnetworks quarterly annual evening meet up at the Huddersfield Food and Drink Festival at St.George’s Square. The meet up was held in the demo marquee of the event and each member received a free token on arrival which entitled them to a free drink from ‘The Star Inn’ and free food from the ‘Hinchliffe’s BBQ’. Even though the weather was a little miserable and rainy the event had a great turnout with around 150 members turning up to enjoy great food and drink along with some great conversation and live music from Richard Daniels. We also held a business card raffle prize draw & Barrington from Discovery Bay did a speech about how Huddersfield has a great buzz around it at the moment due to its vast array of restaurants and bars helping to encourage business and support the local business community.  Discovery Bay just received an award for  ‘Restaurant of the Year 2011’ which is a great accomplishment for the restaurant which has only been open for 5 years.

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